Wednesday, July 13, 2011


The Greenville News - Greenville, S.C.
Date: Jun 12, 2004
Start Page: B.4
Section: Metro
Text Word Count: 2089

Document Text

SpringWell Church in Taylors and Brookwood Community Church in Greenville received Church Health Awards during the 2004 Purpose-Driven Church Conference at Saddleback Church and Purpose-Driven ministries in Lake Forest, Calif. in May. Both churches are affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. Churches from 20 nations received the award, which honors those that have shown excellence in adapting the discipleship program, "40 Days of Purpose," to their congregation. The program is based on Rick Warren's best-selling book "The Purpose-Driven Life."

12 Ordinary Men,a series on the life of the 12 disciples, will be held each Wednesday at 7 p.m. at Calvary Baptist Church, 3810 Grandview Drive, Simpsonville. Children in grades 2-5 will have a special summer class at the same time.

Mercy Christian Center will hold services Sunday at 12 Odom Circle (near Cedar Lane Road and 253). Services begin at 2 p.m. Call 859-7817 or 295-9398.

When We Pray Ministries, 401 Camellia Lane, Simpsonville, will have a summer Bible study on Mondays in June and July at 7 p.m. at the Mauldin Branch Public Library.

Impacting Communities serviceswill be held every Saturday at 6:30 p.m. with the kickoff on June 19 at the Littlejohn Community Center, Hwy. 93, Clemson. Call 1-866-712-5228.

Upstate Marriage Savers Training Seminarwill continue today at Southside Fellowship, Woodruff Road and Hwy. 14, Simpsonville. The training will run from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. This event will be led by Mike McManus, founder and executive director of Marriage Savers. Sponsored by Heritage Community Services and its Family Assets and Character Councils.

United Christian Ministries,3315 Brushy Creek Road, Greer, will have new service times beginning Sunday with the morning worship services at 8 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. and Sunday School at 10 a.m. Call 848-2728.

One Hundred Sixteenth Annual Session of the Woman's Baptist Educational and Missionary Convention of South Carolinawill be held at Morris College Monday-Friday with Dr. Jacqueline W. Canty, president presiding. Highlights of the meeting will take place Thursday with the annual address and election of officers at Jehovah Missionary Baptist Church, S. Harvin St. The annual banquet will be held at 6 p.m. Thursday on the campus of Morris College. Speaker: Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook, first women elected president of the Hampton University Minister's Conference and the first African American woman elected to the American Baptist Church. The week will also include meetings of the youth department and the young woman's auxiliary, along with training sessions and seminars on missionary activities for district and local auxiliaries delegates.

Chautauqua 2004: American Visionswill be held June 20 at 8:45 a.m. at St. Matthew United Methodist Church, 701 Cleveland St. Puritan preacher John Winthrop's "City on the Hill" sermon, preached in 1630, will be recreated by Dr. George Frein.

Spiritual Gifts Workshop will be held at Israel Metropolitan CME Church, 307 N. Calhoun St., on June 15. Speaker: Pastor Vanessee Burns. Call 235-3779.

How To Manage Your Money God's Way,a 12-week course by Larry Burkett of Crown Financial Ministries, will begin Aug. 1 at Dominion World Ministries. Deadline: June 30. Cost: $45 for singles and $55 for couples for materials. Call 242-4583.


Annual Women's Day Celebrationwill begin today at 11 a.m. with a Mother/Daughter Luncheon at Long Branch Baptist Church, 28 Bolt St. Speakers: Minister Barbara Brown and Kortney Nance from Queen Street Baptist Church and Barbara Sullivan and Michelle Bowens from Long Branch Baptist Church. Sunday at 8 a.m., Minister Dorothy Lamkin will be guest speaker and at 10:45 a.m. Minister Alberta Colley from New Mt. Bethel Baptist Church will speak.

Union Baptist Church,50 Union Church Road, will have the following programs: 10 a.m. today -- Fun Day; and 11 a.m. Sunday -- Youth Day with Minister Lamonta Beaty and 4 p.m. -- Pastor Rev. William H. Cox and First Lady 25th Pastoral Anniversary. Speaker: the Rev. Thomas Sloan with Enoree Baptist Church as guest.

Community Health Fair will be held today at Palmetto Baptist in Easley from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Cost: $20. Services offered include Real Men Checking It Out free prostate screening, blood pressure, vision glaucoma check, mammogram and cholesterol screening. To sign up for screening, call Annette Black at 306-9481 or Nelson Crosby at 843-2401. Sponsored by Jesus Is Lord Ministries.

Annual Men's Day,11 a.m. Sunday. Faith Tabernacle Baptist Church, 35 Pendleton Road. Speaker: Elder Troy Jarvis, Delrio, Texas.

Annual Women's Day,11 a.m. Sunday. Enoree Baptist Church, 215 Augusta St. Speaker: the Rev. Sally Taylor.

Annual Youth Day Program,4 p.m. Sunday. Straightway Missionary Baptist Church, 105 Guess St. Speaker: the Rev. Jearod Ferrette, associate minister of Second Calvary Missionary Baptist Church of Greenville. Music by Second Calvary Missionary Baptist Church Choir and the McCullough Singers of Greenville.

Antioch Missionary Baptist Church,12 Pack Street, will have the following programs: 10:45 a.m. Sunday -- Annual Women's Day Observance Program with speaker the Rev. Sister Onesha Chambers, member of the Red Top Baptist Church, Columbia; 4 p.m. Sunday -- All-Male Choir 19th Anniversary; June 14-18 from 6 to 8 p.m. -- Vacation Bible School. Ages: 2 to Adults. Refreshments nightly; 6 to 8 p.m. June 23 -- Partnering With Your Doctor. To register: 1-800-273-2555; 4 p.m. June 27 and 7 p.m. June 28-July 1 -- Revival meeting with Asbury Memorial Baptist Church, 1505 Benjamin St., Anderson. Speaker: the Rev. Michael Benton, pastor of Fairforest Baptist Church, Lithonia, Ga. Call 233-8100.

Appreciation Servicefor Pastor and Mrs. J. Gary Sherman Sr., 5 p.m. Sunday. New Salem Baptist Church, 2916 Hwy. 414, Tigerville. Speaker: the Rev. Curtis Johnson, pastor of Valley Brook Outreach Baptist Church, Piedmont.

Christ Church Episcopal, 10 N. Church St., will have the following programs: 10:45 a.m. -- College students at Christ Episcopal Church at the Parish House; 7 p.m. Wednesdays -- "The Grill" dinner, fellowship, study; and 6 p.m. beginning June 22 on Tuesdays -- Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University, a 13-week program taught by Dave Ramsey. Call 271-8773.

Faith Memorial Chapel, Cedar Mountain, N.C., will conduct services at 11 a.m. on Sunday with the Rev. Dr. Allen Crews McSween, pastor of Fourth Presbyterian Church.

Lowndes Hill W.T. Radden Inspirational Choir 21st Anniversary Service,5 p.m. Sunday. Lowndes Hill Baptist Church, 1516 Lowndes Hill Road.

New Pilgrim Baptist Church,105 Bethany Road, Simpsonville, will have the following programs: 11 a.m. Sunday -- Honoring Women. Speaker: Ruth Stephens of Calvary Baptist Church, Simpsonville; and 5 p.m. June 20 -- Dedication of New Educational Wing Program. Speaker: the Rev. Sean Dogan of Long Branch Baptist Church of Greenville.

Senior Missionary Ministry's 80th Anniversary Service,4 p.m. Sunday. Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church, 2 Jeff Circle. Speaker: the Rev. Brenda Carter. Music by Greater Metropolitan Missionary Church.

Six Year Anniversaryfor Pastor Windell Rodgerson, 11 a.m. Sunday. Mount Calvary Baptist Church, 305 Ansel Street. Speaker: Dr. J.W. Henderson.

Youth Day,11 a.m. Sunday. Reedy River Missionary Baptist Church, Mauldin. Speaker: Minister Roderick Cummings from McCormick.

Crossroads Career Networkwill host a free seminar Tuesday entitled "Learn How to Set Career Networking Goals" from 6:45 to 9 p.m. in the Memorial Dining Room. First Presbyterian Church, 200 W. Washington St.

Annual Men's Day Program,11 a.m. June 20. John Wesley United Methodist Church, 101 Court St. Speaker: the Rev. James L. Friday.

Annual Women's Day, 11:15 a.m. June 27. Generostee Baptist Church, 806 Generostee Church Road, Starr. Speaker: the Rev. Janice Bates Williams of Janice B. Williams Ministries, Greenwood.

Holly Springs Baptist Church,251 Hannon Road, Inman, is celebrating their 200th anniversary with the following programs: 10:30 a.m. Sunday -- Carlisle Driggers; 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. July 11-15 -- Vacation Bible School; 6 p.m. Sept. 12 -- Squire Parsons in concert; and 10:30 a.m. Sept. 19 -- Annual Homecoming. Call 877-6765.

Vacation Bible School

Abner Creek Baptist Church,2461 Abner Creek Road, Greer: 6:30 to 9 p.m. Sunday-Friday. Ages: 3 years to 6th grade. Theme: "Rickshaw Rally -- Racing to the Son." Call 877-6604.

Dunean Baptist Church, 21 Allen St.: 6-8:45 p.m. Sunday-Thursday. Ages: 3 years to 5th grade. Theme: "SonGames 2004, The VBS of Champions." Call 233-7457.

Calvary Baptist Church, 3810 Grandview Drive, Simpsonville: 9 a.m. to noon Monday-Friday. Ages: 4 to 6th grade. Theme: "Sword and Shield."

Covenant United Methodist Church,1310 Old Spartanburg Road, Greer: 9 a.m. to noon, Monday-Friday. Ages: 3 years of age (as of Sept. 1, 2003) to 5th grade. Theme: "Jesus Helps You POWER Up!"

Joy of the Lord Ministries, 1904-C Laurens Road: 6 to 8 p.m. Monday-Friday. Refreshments will be served. Call 294-6918.

New Haven Christian Fellowship,7770 Augusta Road, Piedmont: 6:30 to 8:45 p.m. Monday-Thursday. Ages: 3 to 12.

New Hope Baptist Church, Hwy. 72, West, Clinton: 6 to 8 p.m. Monday-Friday. Theme: "Castle Kids."

Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church,2 Jeff Circle: 6 to 8:30 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Shady Grove Baptist Church,140 Shady Grove Church Road, Pelzer: 5:45 p.m. Monday-Thursday. Theme: "Spotlight on Jesus."

Mountain Creek Baptist Church,255 West Mountain Creek Church Road: 6 to 9 p.m. June 21-25. Ages: 3 through high school. Theme: "Rickshaw Rally -- Racing to the Son." Dinner served each night. Call 244-4524.

Wren Baptist Church,6:30 to 8:45 p.m. June 21-25. Theme: SonGames 2004. Classes for everyone from infants to adults. Call 845-5678.

Berea Heights Baptist Church,6914 White Horse Road: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. June 27-30.

Grace Baptist Church, 15195 Wells Hwy., Seneca: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. June 27-30. Theme: "Lava Lava Island -- Where Jesus' Love Flows!!" Call 888-0703.

St. Michael Evangelical Lutheran Church,2619 Augusta Road: 9 a.m. to noon July 19-23. Ages: 3 to 11. Theme: "Davey and Goliath's Camp Creation." Call 232-8510.


The Atkins Family,6 p.m. tonight. Gordon Street Assembly of God.

Southern Sound of Easley, Bill Shaw and The Pickens Family,6:30 p.m. tonight. McKissick United Methodist Church, King Street, Easley. Love offering concert.

Flashback,a musical presented by the youth drama team of Messiah Lutheran Church, Charlotte, N.C., 7 p.m. tonight at Immanuel Lutheran Church, 2820 Woodruff Road, Simpsonville. Freewill offering.

Jimmy Justice Family 31st Anniversary Celebration,7 p.m. tonight at East Henderson High School, Hendersonville, N.C. Special guest: The Inspirations. Tickets: $10 in advance and $12 at the door. Children 12 and under are free. Call (828) 685-3730.

The Melodyaires and Daystar,7 p.m. tonight. Valley of Joy, 105 Mustang Drive, Easley.

The Mighty Voices and Arthur Goodjoin & The Singing Tornadoes,6 p.m. tonight. New China Baptist Church, Milam Road, Clinton.

Annointed Witness,7 p.m. Sunday. Wren Baptist Church, 120 Wren Road, Piedmont.

Mass Choir Concert featuring Rory Griffin,5 p.m. Sunday. Friendship Baptist Church, Carver Street -- Freetown Community.

Rocky Sunbeam Choir Third Annual Concert,4 p.m. Sunday. Rocky Mount Baptist Church, 7531 White Horse Road.

Two Tenors and Bass Concert,featuring Charles Pendergrass, Michael Harmon and Wade Gambrell, 4:30 p.m. Sunday. Israel Metropolitan C.M.E. Church, 305 N. Calhoun St. Love offering concert. A special presentation featuring Willie 'Skinny' Duncan as Malcolm X and James Williams as Martin Luther King will be performed. Proceeds to benefit the scholarship programs of the SOS Community Chorale. Call Truman Humbert at 299-0644.

Sold Out,a touring student Christian musical troupe from Beach United Methodist Church, Jacksonville, Fla., 7 p.m. Wednesday. Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 7 Shannon Drive.

Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Youth Choir Anniversary,4 p.m. June 27. Antioch Missionary Baptist Church.

Evangelist Cynthia Clark Concert, 4:30 p.m. June 27. Reedy River Missionary Baptist Church. Featuring: New Forksville Baptist Church Gospel Choir. Love offering concert. Call: 299-0644.


Nicholtown Missionary Baptist Church,327 Ackley Road, will continue with a revival at 7 p.m. tonight with guest speaker the Rev. Jeffrey Williams of Rock of Ages Baptist Church and 11 a.m. Sunday with the Rev. Brandon Whitehurst of Faith Tabernacle Baptist Church. Sponsored by the Youth Ministry of Nicholtown Missionary Baptist Church.

Mount Calvary Baptist Church,305 Ansel St., 7 p.m. Monday-Thursday. Speaker: Dr. Charles B. Jackson, of Brookland Baptist Church, Columbia.

Good Shepherd Church, 5315 State Park Rd., Travelers Rest. 7:15 p.m. Wednesday-Friday, 6 p.m. Saturday youth service and 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sunday. Speaker: Evangelist Rodney Bohler from Oklahoma City, Okla.


Dry Oak Assembly of God Church,1644 Holliday Dam Road, Belton: 10:30 a.m. Sunday. Speaker: the Rev. and Mrs. James Gaulden. Music by Total Praise Quartet. Dinner will follow the service.

Religion announcements should be submitted in writing by noon Tuesday to be considered for Saturday publication. Mail to Religion News, The Greenville News, P.O. Box 1688, Greenville, SC 29602 or fax to 298-4395. The News is not responsible for lost or damaged photographs.

Cutline: In concert: The New Forksville Baptist Church Gospel Choir will perform June 27 at Reedy River Missionary Baptist Church.

Cutline: In concert: The Inspirations will perform at the Jimmy Justice family 31st anniversary celebration tonight at East Henderson High School in Hendersonville.

Mugs: Frein, Clark

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Lonely Planet Profile

Updated 10/12/2011

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